The sky looked ominous... monsoon rains were bound to wet us a little. At first we were optimistic that it wouldn't rain but we ended up heading back to the room to pick up the umbrella and rain coat. I had the rain coat, Rob had the umbrella and off we sent into Khoa Sok National Park, one of the beautiful Thai rainforests.
Many touts outside the town (including our cheeky hotel guy) tried to tell us we needed a guide, an expensive guide, to walk with us and protect us from the lions and tigers and bears (oh my). The people within the tourist center within the park assured us that, although there are tiger and wild elephants in the park we were safe to walk on our own. So we did.
Shortly after visiting our first, rather disappointing waterfall (the ones we saw in the other national park in Phang Nga were just so good) the rain started to fall. The river already looked swollen from previous rains but we didn't expect it to be so heavy and keep going and going etc.
We were drenched aaaand we provided a few meals to the local leeches along the way.
Finally, we were defeated by a raging river that just could not be crossed safely due to the heavy rainfall. We were just happy that we were on the home side of the river!!
Although wet we did enjoy our walk. It was quite the adventure and the forest looks beautiful when it's wet.

The adventure didn't stop there. Later that night the river kept growing and growing. Our hotel was on the side of the bridge that meant that, if it collapsed, we may be stuck in Khao Sok for longer than planned. Our hotel room flooded and we were upgraded to a higher, newer room.
Apparently this type of flooding only started occurring after a wealthy developer a put in some poorly placed bridges.... Hopefully the town can sort things out before more damage is done.
Early the next morning we left town. The last photo below shows the remain bridge that we were able to cross to leave town.