
Views from our house

View number 1: 'Out of the kitchen window'. From here I can watch people washing clothes, dishes, themselves (they stay clothed!).... The lower house on the right has recently put up some new iron sheets just in time for monsoon (which is just around the corner.....eeeek). It's also a great spot for watching monkies tease the little white dogs that guard each roof top.

View number 2: 'The storm'. Rob took these just the right moment!

View number 3: 'The clouds rolling in'. Yep, monsoon is coming!

View number 4: 'The rent inspector'. This little tike turns up in our room most mornings. He lives downstairs with his parents and two sisters. He speaks to us in Tibetan and we speak to him in English but we understand each other completely. He is sooooo cute!

This isn't our house but it might as well be.... We eat here alot. This is a (mostly) Aussie crew - its weird how you do that. Rob, Free, Julie, me and Margaret. I love the Manga-esk painting in the background.

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