
Monkey Mania

Tushita and the surrounding mountains support two species of monkeys. The smaller brown ones with the red face and bottom - very cheeky, naughty and common (Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta) - and the snow monkeys (some kind of Grey Langur - genus Semnopithecus?) - long fur and limbs, shy and not so common.

We have to lock all the doors behind us, even the toilets, to prevent the brown monkeys from going into rooms and destroying everything in the name of fun and food finding. We can't even hang out so much as underwear because the young monkeys will play on the lines and take whatever they find up into the tall pine trees or drop into a thicket of stinging nettles. And you can't show them that you have food as they will attack you or try to steal it. If I eat outside I give backshesh (a bribe) to my monkey police (the doggies). The backshesh is pretty cheap, usually a piece of butter bread or some such. If the monkeys bite, you have to get a series of painful rabies shots so we are not too keen to get too close, even though they are so cute.

There are some monkey rules:
1. Don't look them in the eye, this indicates an aggressive stance to a monkey. Look down and be submissive
2. Never smile at a monkey. Showing your teeth is another sign of monkey aggression.
3. Don't walk between and mother and a baby, she may feel threatened and attack.
4. If you feel threatened you can bend down and pretend to pick up a rock. In the past many people have thrown rocks at them so they run away when you do this. If they think you are faking it, they may attack so it is best to make sure you do pick up a rock and throw if necessary. I prefer not to throw rocks but usually hang back and let them pass by.

The little monkeys are so playful and fun to watch. Here are some pics:

Observing for danger
Running over the bins to escape the dogs jaws.
Playing with the prayer flags outside my window.
Eating leftover dog food. The dogs are mostly vegetarian but get meat 2 or 3 times a week. The small dog, Chogu, stuffs herself on a meat night and spends the rest of the night crying because she has stomach pains. Sometimes I give her a belly rub to relieve the pain......

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